We are sometimes led astray by the mind’s feelings. For example, we may eat a lot because it feels good, but later it spoils our health. Some spiritualists, having been misled repeatedly by such feelings, conclude that all feelings need to be given up.

Curb anti-spiritual feelings, channelize spiritualizable feelings and cultivate spiritual feelings.

Gita wisdom offers a more nuanced understanding of feelings by pointing to a tripartite classification:

The mind’s feelings that need to be curbed: Prominent among the mind’s feelings are those triggered by the impressions (vaasanas) created by our past indulgences in lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and illusion. When exposed to worldly temptations, it quickly becomes infatuated by feelings that drag the soul into illusion and bondage; they are the soul’s failings. The Bhagavad-gita (02.55) urges us to steer clear of such feelings arising from the mind (mano-gataan).

The mind’s feelings that can be channelized: We all have our psychophysical nature (svabhaava) that shapes our likings. Thus some people like intellectual work, others like administration, still others like business and so forth. We cannot and need not give up our natural inclinations for different kinds of work – the Gita (03.33) declares that repression accomplishes nothing. By performing such work in a mood of devotion, the Gita (18.46) states that we progress towards spiritual perfection.

The soul’s feelings that need to be cultivated: These are the pure spiritual feelings of love for Krishna and all living beings in relationship with him. The Gita (10.09) indicates that advanced devotees delight constantly in such transcendental sentience. We too can relish those divine emotions by practicing bhakti-yoga and activating the soul’s dormant attraction for Krishna.

By curbing anti-spiritual feelings through self-discipline, channelizing spiritualizable feelings through dutiful devoted work and cultivating spiritual feelings through directly devotional activities, we can gradually attain complete emotional fulfillment.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02 Text 55

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