BG 2.37

hato va prapsyasi svargam

jitva va bhokshyase mahim

tasmad uttishtha kaunteya

yuddhaya kritaniscayah


hatah — being killed; va — either; prapsyasi — you gain; svargam — the heavenly kingdom; jitva — by conquering; va — or; bhokshyase — you enjoy; mahim — the world; tasmat — therefore; uttishtha — get up; kaunteyaO son of Kunti; yuddhayato fight; krita — determined; niscayahin certainty.


O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination and fight.

Now Krishna is telling it this way: hato va prapsyasi svargam, if you die or if you are killed over here, you will attain swarga. Jitva va, if you win, bhokshyase mahim, you will enjoy the whole world. So tasmad uttishtha kaunteya, therefore, Arjuna, rise, yuddhaya krita-niscayah, fight with determination.

So here we see that by intelligent reasoning, Krishna has turned the situation into a win-win, which Arjuna thought of as a lose-lose. So if Arjuna is having any hesitation, Krishna removes that hesitation and tells him with determination, “Krit Nischaya, fight, O Arjuna.”

So this is the second level of argumentation, Karma Kanda. If enjoyment is your concern, then you will best enjoy by fighting. Do your duty and fight, O Arjuna.