Sometimes life throws at us devastating reversals that cause overwhelming grief, fury or frustration. Some losses may even make us feel that life itself is pointless: “When I have lost so much – when I have lost that which I was living for – what is the point in living?”

Certainly, we have a right to our emotions – we are sentient beings and we can’t just do away with our emotions. Still, our life is too precious to be dissipated by living in the past, wallowing in self-pity, sighing about the way things could have been and begrudging the way they have turned out. The Bhagavad-gita (18.28) cautions that such morose living characterizes the ignorant.

The path to spiritual happiness by practicing devotional service always remains available and accessible, no matter how much adversities deprive us materially.

Thankfully, Gita wisdom counters such ignorance with an empowering insight: we are bigger than our present material emotions. We are eternal spiritual beings, souls, who are parts of Krishna. He is always waiting to reciprocate love with us and thereby enrich us with everlasting spiritual happiness. The path to spiritual happiness by practicing devotional service always remains available and accessible, no matter how much adversities deprive us materially.

When we understand this spiritual purpose of life, we always have something to live for – we always have Krishna to live for. No matter what happens, we can still seek Krishna’s shelter and therein experience spiritual meaning and fulfillment. When we thus get on with life spiritually, we get the strength to explore new ways to get on with our life materially too. And the more we thus get on with life, the more emotions from the past lose their hold on us. Gradually we get over them fully, being enlivened by the realization that we can go through and grow through the worst of life’s reversals by living in the light of Krishna’s love.

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