Life presents us with so many alternatives, all with their own complex and unpredictable implications, that the task of choosing among them can become overwhelming.

Gita wisdom rescues us by pointing out that we ultimately have two essential choices that lie with each one of us at every moment. The Bhagavad-gita (18.58) outlines them:

1. To move towards Krishna and gradually scale over and beyond all obstacles or

2. To move away from Krishna and get lost in the mesh of worldly delusions and distresses.

When we choose to move away from Krishna, our pleasure-seeking nature causes us to get blown whichever way the wind of worldly desire blows in our hearts. Worldly desires require strenuous work before fulfillment, yield meager pleasure on fulfillment and blow with increased power after fulfillment. Their overall effect is to make us lose our bearings and stay trapped in their spell – lifetime after lifetime.

Fortunately, we have an alternative; we can choose to move towards Krishna by practicing devotional service. This choice enables us to understand his will as it is revealed generically in the scriptures and specifically for us through our devotee-guides. Once we become mindful of Krishna’s will and act according to it, then we become increasingly connected with him and the everlasting pleasure that he is waiting to bestow upon us. Being thus fortified by inner fulfillment and guided by Krishna’s voice from within, we can resist the stormy winds of desire and stay on track toward attaining eternal happiness.

A simple sutra to remind ourselves of these life-trajectories is: with Krishna, we flourish, without Krishna, we perish. By bearing in mind the contours of these two choices and their concomitant consequences, we can get a defining guideline to navigate life’s mazes and make the best choice, now and always.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Text 58

“If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.”