Some people ask, “Faith in God requires believing illogical things such as his lifting a mountain. How can we reject logic like this?”

Faith in God doesn’t require abandoning logic; it simply requires subordinating logic to a higher standard for determining truth. Logic is not the highest standard for comprehending reality, even in science, which usually takes pride in being logical.

Science has had to renounce its adherence to logic in quantum physics, where matter dissolves into waves in the absence of an observer. Albert Einstein underscored the illogical implications of quantum physics, “I like to think that the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.”

If material scientists can see the subordination of logic as a tribute to the universe, then why can’t spiritual scientists see a similar subordination as a tribute to the creator of the universe?

Nonetheless, because quantum physics somehow works, scientists embrace it by subordinating logic. In fact, they even make the universe’s incomprehensibility a scientific principle. This is evident in atheist J B S Haldane startling assertion, sometimes called Haldane’s law: “Not only is the universe queerer than we suppose, it’s queerer than we can suppose.”

If material scientists can see the subordination of logic as a tribute to the universe, then why can’t spiritual scientists see a similar subordination as a tribute to the creator of the universe? Why demand from spiritual scientists a greater devotion to logic than what is demanded from material scientists?

Why let such double standards stop us from exploring Gita wisdom? Better to be fair and open-mindedly examine its axioms.

The Gita (09.10) declares that Krishna is the ultimate overseer of nature – and indeed of everything, including logic. He has set up nature to ordinarily function according to a logical order, but he can in extraordinary situations suspend that order by his omnipotence. Seen in this light, Krishna’s logic-defying feats such as lifting Govardhan Mountain become demonstrations of his supremacy, thereby vindicating the consistency of Gita wisdom.

Bhagavad Gita Chapter 09 Text 10

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